Why We Give
Giving is at the heart of our mission here at RCF. It's not just about financial contributions; it's about investing in the work of God's kingdom and expressing our gratitude for the blessings we've received. When we give, whether it's our time, talents, or resources, we participate in the ongoing work of spreading love, hope, and compassion to those in need. Our generosity enables us to support vital ministries, reach out to our community, and provide a welcoming space for worship and fellowship. Moreover, giving fosters a sense of unity and belonging among our congregation, as we join together in shared purpose and commitment to serving others. As scripture reminds us, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7). Let us continue to give joyfully and generously, knowing that our contributions make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and bring glory to God.
Ways to Give
You can send your donations by Interact e-Transfer to rcfdonations@gmail.com
In Person
Cash and Cheque gifts and offerings should only be given in person (do not send cash or cheques through the mail).
Be sure to place your donation in a filled-out envelope and place it in the collection box near the back of the Sanctuary.